Wednesday 26 May 2010

Week beginning 17/05/10

17/05/10 -
Script still being written for scenes we haven't filmed yet, nearing completion.
Freelance portfolio activity 1 fully completed, Activity 3 semi-completed.

18/05/10 -
I had the idea with our old idea Retro Vs Modern to have a shot by the river, talking about the peaceful old days and then contrasting it with the newer grittier days. I decided to keep this idea in as I want it to have a feeling of peace before making a grittier talk about the battle between the console for the contrast and effect. This will also be used in the conclusion in someway, although that won't be scripted for sometimes. For now I will ponder.

19/05/10 -
Script continuation, Looking over the schedule setting failed gamestation interview back from yesterday to monday. Things just keep being set back, freelance portfolio looms over me threateningly.

20/05/10 -
Game footage done, I have a cold which really doesn't help when you want to present. We tried to desperately film in Beths house for a re shoot of the introduction scene and further introduction. I get continually annoyed with how bad it is but what can I do we're running out of time. Trust illness to strike.

21/05/10 -
We reshot the transitional scenes due to some bad shooting and sound errors the first time. Luckily we have the time to reshoot. Maybe we should edit all the first failure shots together make that documentary give that into the lecturers once they've watched it give them the reshoots and seem so much better. Transitional scenes look much better now. reshooting was worth it. Still has some sound issues though.

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